Monday, May 28, 2012

Tomato can reduce your blood alcohol level faster

It`s good news for alcohol lover !
Tomato can decompose alcohol in your blood faster and get you back normal faster if you eat tomato when you drink alcohol. Alcohol accumulates 30% less in your blood, and alcohol can disappear 50 minutes faster.
This is very important in the case when you want to and have to recover from being drunken. For example, you do not want your wife know that you drink beer on your way home.

Kagome and Asahi, beverage companies in Japan, announced that Tomato can help you decompose alcohol in blood faster. They cooperatively worked together to research how tomato affect on blood alcohol decomposition. Incidentally, Kakome is the beverage company which is mainly dedicated for vegetable based products, on the other hand, Asahi is the beverage company which is famous for beer products. Therefore this collaboration makes sense to provide customer good impression of both beverage and to accelerate their product sales.

They performed animal experiments firstly, and human experiments secondly.
What they did was to compare two cases, observe alcohol blood level minute by minute and take statistics. The first case was that they let adult peoples drink 100ml Sake and 480 ml tomato juice together, and the second case was that they let adult peoples same amount of Sake and same amount of water instead of tomato juice. As a result of this experiment, they found the positive effect as mentioned above. Additionally they found the reason of this. Tomato activates some enzyme higher which can metabolize alcohol in blood, and consequently tomato can reduce alcohol level. That makes sense because if you can speed up decomposition of alcohol, then you can keep lower alcohol level.

Here is a question which I think many peoples come up with and want to ask researchers.
Are there any other vegetables to be able to do same thing much faster than tomato ?
Japanese people might say that turmeric is better to help you metabolize alcohol. In Japan, now turmeric supplement drink becomes indispensable item for those who like to drink alcohol after work but have to go to the office early, and for those who have to drink alcohol much because of business like entertaining customers. I want to write about this next time because it is going to be longer story.

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News reference

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