Monday, April 2, 2012

X rat check on my chest

Last month, I took an annual medical check which is common in Japan as long as you are employed by a company. I got results at the end of the month, but something was not good. According to results, something shadow was found on a picture of X ray. However, a doctor told me that it was difficult to tell whether this was real one or not because a vain perpendicular to the picture sometimes comes out as a shadow, so I needed to take one more X ray check with several angles just in case. I had to make an appointment for this, but I could not do that for two weeks because I was preoccupied by an idea of what I am gonna do if this is a real cancer or a tumor. I definitely understand in my mind that an earlier check is better, but I could not until two weeks later when I did it finally. This is one of weaknesses of human that we can not do something even if we feel that we have to do it. And I got a phone call from the doctor that it turned out be nothing. I was really relieved mentally by hearing that. 

For one month, I was suffering from this mentally. So I strongly realized that living healthy is very important in our life.

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