Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Intorelance to a pineapple

These days when I go to the whole food market, I usually see a whole raw pineapple sold at $3.99. I had been thinking to buy it someday but I actually hesitated to buy a whole one because it looks big and I do not seem to be able to handle it. However, last Saturday, I bought it finally on impulse because I got intrigued with a pineapple somehow. At the following day night, I pulled the head of it, pealed it with knife, and cut it into good sizes. At one taste, it was really tasty, sweet, sour, and delicious. I was really feeling happy until I got something bad. After 30 minute later, I got to feel stomach pain gradually. As time passed, pain became strong, and it was really as painful as I could not move at all finally. I had to lie down on sofa. Fortunately, I could got asleep soon because I was a little bit tired due to walking at evening. One hour later, I woke up and felt better.

I got one thing for sure that the pineapple was something wrong because I have eaten only it at that night except a bottle of beer. So I checked immediately if someone has similar experience of feeling stomach pain after eating pineapple. And I found that many people around the world suffer from similar stomach pain. Additionally there is a dedicated web page, forum, chatting board about that. If I say from a conclusion, some enzyme which is contained in raw pineapple causes stomach pain for peoples, but not everyone. Almost all people can handle it. I`m a minority.

According to the reference, stomach pain is most likely related to allergic reaction of body system. I did not know this until recently, but pineapple is one of fruits which cause stomach pain due to allergic reaction. However, what we need to pay attention here is that some enzyme causing issue is contained only in raw pineapple, and it is gone after processing with heat. That`s why I can eat canned pineapple. According to scientist, stomach pain generally happens within one hour after eating it. Generally speaking, stomach pain is the results of inflammation in digestive system. When peoples who suffer from this eat raw pineapple, a body detects some material in raw pineapple as something bad which should be resolved and eliminated from the body. In order to do that, immune system reacts and tries to kill that substance by creating and increasing many antibodies against that. And peoples feel stomach pain during fighting between antibodies and some substance. According to the reference, one things to be made clear is that intolerance and allergy are different. If people suffer from not only stomach pain but also other digestive symptoms, then it is allergy against pineapple. However, if people suffer from only stomach pain, then it is just intolerance to pineapple. Most effective treatment seems to be avoiding and stay away from pineapple, although it is not essential solution.

Until recently, I did not know I am intolerant to pineapple. I am really shocked because raw pineapple is really tasty and affordable price now.



  1. Your comments on pineapple intolerance exactly match my recent experience of eating small amount of pineapple, I am in mid-fifty, and up until couple years ago I didn't have any problem with eating pineapple, but now I am pineapple intolerant. Thanks for sharing your experience.

    1. Hi Swapan

      I'm sorry about your case, but this looks like acquired, which might be same for me. I'm wondering if this has something to do with our eating habit which has changed gradually for long span in any countries.

  2. hi kazu,
    i know this post is over two years old but glad i came across it. i've started to get the same intolerance to pineapple, had it two days in a row and had severe abdomen/stomach pains. I did read another article that also suggested very sweet/sour fruits eaten with certain carb heavy foods can bring it about too.

    But who knows, its just disappointing that we can't eat fresh pineapple anymore! BTW I have also developed the exact same tolerance to cherries (one of my favourite fruits!) :( Could eat both perfectlyy well before but last several years..nope (I'm 42).

    Anyway again thanks for the post very informative and don't feel like such a freak not being the only person intolerant to pineapples.

    Have a great 2015!

    1. Hi Meegan
      I know how disappointing it was when it turned out. I haven't eaten pineapple since that time, even though I want to ! I know you have the same feeling.

      According to some books, there is a chance that an allergy will be gone after a while, but its mechanism is not understood yet so we don't know when it is like to be. I hope that our allergy will be gone some day


    2. I have the identical problem! Pine apple and cherries I am absolutely scared to touch them because of the stomach pains associated

    3. U shud try eating with some food then it kinds dilutes the effect.. I cannot eat pineapple empty stomach but i can after breakfast..

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hii kazu,
    Im glad to come across this post
    I get these crams after eating pineapple within 20mins and it is ubearable.
    If possible can u suggest some remedies for these crams. That would b highly helpful

    1. Hi Shalini
      I've not eaten any pineapples since that time because I'm afraid of feeling sick again, so I'm not also as brave as I try to eat a lot to find out remedies and advise something. I'm not a doctor. Sorry about that.
      It's sad that we need to avoid them in our life.
      Regards, Kazu

    2. I too these past few years get bad stomach pains when eating pineapple. I wish I would know what to do about the pain. I just ate some small pieces that were in a smoothie mix and my stomach hurts terribly. I should have known better... :( I actually forgot that it was actually this bad. Terrible pain and I feel like I could throw up

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Yes me too! And I have the same reaction with Avocados! Such a bummer, as I'm a whole foods chef. I have no problem cooking with these Beautiful foods for others, but NO consumption at all for me! However, I can eat cooked pineapple with no problem... But not Raw. I get a really nasty tummy ache, nausea. With avocadoes I have to vomit it out of my system to relieve the distress... So I'm uber careful with it even touching any part of food I'm consuming. Oh well...

    1. I have a same problem. Stomach ache like 30 minutes after eating either raw avocado or raw pineapple. Must be some enzyme they have in common or something.

    2. Wow..me too! I was just googling to see if they have an enzyme in common. Raw pineapple and raw avocado cause stomach ache for me, but pineapple was worse so I haven't eaten any in years. And avocado seemed less consistent and could usually get by if I just had a small amount, but i just had a small amount on some tacos and my stomach is upset so i guess i will just stop eating those too...

  7. Started having this issue year or so. Just hit 50 and falling apart. I really like pineapple but these pains are miserable.

  8. I am glad I came across this post. Reading your blog and the comments that followed reinforced my fear that it's pineapple that is causing me abdominal pain. It's happened twice in the last three days: So maybe, just maybe, I may end up quitting this fruit.

  9. I had 3 slices of really really small pine apple n it's unbearable..I could hear my stomach growling accompanied by diarrhoea.. I took a teaspoon of digestive gel medicine . Praying that it'll work

  10. I'm 64 years old. I've eaten pineapple before with no adverse effects, but now it gives me severe stomach ache. This seems to be quite common.

  11. Same reaction you describe here for me as well for raw pineapple and avocado. This also happens with some mushrooms.
    I used to get this from bananas and raw peppers but not anymore.

  12. My daughter is having this problem. She just figured out it was pineapple after eating some again and the pain and cramping started. She is 22 and has eaten pineapple her whole life and never had a problem.

  13. I have the same issues. I've been eating pineapple all my life but in the last four months anytime I consume it about half hour to an hour later I have a horrible stomach ache. I tried pineapple today thinking maybe it was something else that caused the prior stomach pain and within a half hour I am laying in bed with horrible stomach pain. So now I know without a doubt it's the pineapple.

  14. Exactly same is happening to me as well. Even a year ago i had no problem eating pineapples. But in last one year whenever I tried eating pineapples, even in very small quantities, I felt an unbearable pain in the stomach. Today also the same thing happened to me and I thought I must check the matter on internet and found this blog. Thank you so much for explaining this whole thing.

  15. My 14 year old daughter suddenly developed an intolerance to pineapple. It’s gotten so bad we have to be really careful that she doesn’t accidentally ingest pineapple juice. We have found a lot of restaurants use pineapple juice as a sweetener in foods and smoothies. The good news is that taking a Benedryl quickly helps her feel better.

  16. yes take pain pills and benydryl both so no pain here, but my pills were stuck in my air way and i didnt figure it out till i literally passed out.took 2 benydryl the next day and little while later i felt a large lump going down my throat(felt the size of a whole grape),wish it was before i had pineapple for lunch, now i can breath,but im so sick,headache,and cold chills now i know why im no eating it again.thanks

  17. I found this article to be extremely helpful.
    I’ve eaten pineapples all my life and I’m my tender 20’s my body has developed an intolerance towards it. At first it was kinda tricky figuring out the pineapple juice was the culprit because at the same time I was taking protein shakes. So obviously I thought it was the protein shakes and not the pineapple, but after 2 days of gut wrenching pain I conclude the pineapple juice is the cause. I’m planning to monitor my diet over the next few weeks to seem if I experience this issue again. Also I wanted to mention that I experience this with avocados as well. I haven’t tried any anti histamine medication so I can offer any suggestions I’m regards to remedies. I hope this helps someone who may be unsure as to what’s causing the stomach discomfort

  18. Literally, i am experiencing now as in now😭. Do you guys knows what is the best remedies for this? I suffered since last night i cannot eat properly bcos of this😭

  19. I'm 36 years old and I've loved pineapple 🍍 over the years. But my recent experience of eating pineapple is becoming unbearable.
    It first occurred to me in 2018, 30 minutes after I ate it. I felt these cramps which were very painful I even thought I was being poisoned.
    My second and third experience this year made me know that I'm allergic to pineapple and won't ever try eating pineapple again.

  20. I've had this intolerance for 30 years. I can eat canned pineapple since it has been heated to a high temp in the canning process (which kills the problematic enzyme). After I figured it out, I unknowingly consumed fresh pineapple once and was miserable. Then, last night, I ate a sausage that had pineapple in it and it did the same thing. I would have thought that sausage would not have fresh pineapple but apparently it did. Ugh! This is the first time my stomach has stayed sore the next day. How long do others still feel sick?

  21. I’m in horrible pain after consuming blended homemade pineapple juice to cleanse my system. The stomach pain is so horrible that I cannot walk up straight. Besides the pineapple juice I only had my usual tea and bread earlier, which means it’s definitely a terrible reaction to the pineapple.

  22. I have severe pineapple intolerance. All the descriptions you have all shared are identical to mine. Onset 30 min. post- ingestion, raw pineapple, inadvertent exposure, awful pain, cooked pineapple is OK, etc. Like many of you I grew up eating and loving pineapples. Piña colada was one of my favorites. But one day it all changed. I am a retired physician and I have tried a couple of treatments as soon as the pain begins in a attempt to abort the horrible crescendo pain that is sure to follow and last for several hours. At first I thought the pain must be due to a massive outpour of acid or a local gastric irritation caused by the enzyme so I tried an antacid (Maalox, Mylanta, etc.) may do but it did not touch it. I decided to carry in my wallet a couple tablets of Tagamet (a vary strong “Histamine-2 blocker” that suppresses stomach acid almost completely; works pretty quickly. After the next inadvertent ingestion of fresh pineapple and the slight pain (very characteristic) I took two Tagamets immediately to no avail. I suffered for 4-5 hours. I think the source of pain cannot be stomach acid. I suppressed the heck out of it. Once, after a major exposure (Panera salad with pineapples made to look like sliced cucumbers) I ended up in a local ER. Mercifully I got a dose of a strong narcotic that did ease the pain and put me to sleep for a couple of hours, right there on my gurney. I left the ER after ~ 3 hrs. with very tolerable abdominal soreness but no real pain. Conclusion: prevention is the only effective measure. When eating out always ask if what you are about to order has pineapple. Don’t take “mmm I don’t think so” for an answer. Ask that they ask the chef if they are not 100% sure. Happily, I have found that there is ample life without piña colada! So, cheer up my fellow intolerants

  23. Same issue for me! Severe belly pain about an hour after eating pineapple. Avocado induces vomiting and stomach pain.

    I know that I cannot tolerate avocado at all in any form. However, I was wondering if you don't eat pineapple on an empty belly if the result is the same.

  24. I have an intolerance to tree nuts and the only thing that soothes my stomach is the heating pad! Believe me, I have tried all the antacids with no relief.

  25. Same here. Started in my 50s. Made a pineapple cake for Christmas and after I ate it twice - unbearable cramps and overall felt horrible. Ate it again recently, and same thing. The rest of the family is fine.
