Sunday, February 26, 2012

Medical Check : I do not want to take a bood check seriously

Do you take a medical check regularly ?
I did it actually a few weeks ago because we, Japanese, are supposed to take it annually, as long as we are employed by Japanese companies. It is because employers must make employees take it according to Japanese law. However, I`m not sure about this in the case of self-employment, but it is likely up to oneself.

It was 2010 October when I took a medical check last time as a check for departure for US in Tokyo, and more than one year has already passed. Therefore, I was urged to take it here by a department of accommodation and works last month. Here is not Japan, so we generally have a concern that foreign doctors understand what Japanese regular medical check means because I have heard from my colleagues that a medical check is arbitrary and it is up to people and  a health check here is not done until you feel something wrong. An idea of a medical check is to be able to detect a initial health problem as early as possible, and avoid the risk of fatal problems as much as possible which is too late to cure. I have such a concern but I can fortunately take a similar medical check with Japanese case because there are a few hospital here which Japanese doctors run. They are originally from Japan and were trained in Japan, and they have a license here and were trained in US as well. So they really understand what a regular medical check is.

A few weeks ago, I took it actually in some hospital, although I was reluctant honestly but I had to to. I am under 30 years old so I was supposed to take basic checks by consulting with a hospital people, although a number of check lists generally increase when I get older. Check items were a physical body check, an abdominal ultrasound check, an urine check, a stool check, a blood check and a X-ray check of chest. Among these check lists, I don`t really like a blood check and hate it in other words because I have a trauma about it when I was small. A new nurse failed to draw my blood many times and I was really feeling pain physically and mentally. Since that time, not every time but  I sometime feel dizzy and become pale and go white. And as I had feared, I felt so this time. I`m always fine physically but not fine mentally.

Results do not come out yet, but I really hope to pass it and do not take reexamination, especially, a blood check. Every time when I take a medical check annually, I strongly think that  I have to eat health foods and do exercise in order to avoid health problems as much as possible, although this idea gets less day by day.

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