Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Employment system of Japan

Hi, today I would like to tell you about employment system of Japan.

Last long time after the defeat of World war II, Japanese employment style is type of lifetime employment which is practice of continuing to employ hired employee up to a fixed retirement age. With this type of system, It is good both for employers and employees in a sense that it is pretty stable employment for employees and employees can see easily future promotion and salary increase if they work harder, so employees can keep motivation for work higher. "Stable" here means that employees are never fired unless they commit something bad, like crimes. This system worked well until late 80s because Japanese economic had been growing rapidly up to be becoming the second largest economic country even though Japan had lost everything in the World War II.  However, economic value of Japan was overestimated and its imaginary economic finally collapsed as a large falling in stock market. After this tipping point, Japan has lost its competitive power in the world and entered into long recession period. As a consequence, lifetime employment have not worked well, but Japanese people still has a dream of that employment event though we admit partly that the system is over. So we still stick to it. Japanese companies also still have such idea, so they are not able to fire employees easily. And companies hesitate to hire new employees easily because company still have a idea that they have to employ new person up to a fixed age. This idea is one of reason of bad flexibility of employment and employee can not change their jobs easily.

My point is that Japanese people has to change a mind and forget lifetime employment because it works well only in the high growth of economic. And it does not work in the recession period.

I would appreciate if someone tell me your country employment systems.

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